I visited my local CVS on Friday to purchase several items. As soon as I entered the store, I scanned my card and was happy to find a $5 off of a $40 purchase coupon. Now I had planned to purchase my items in 3-4 transactions to lower my out of pocket expense. But when I saw that coupon I thought about my co-worker Jennifer who always receives similar coupons. When I asked her how she was able to obtain the coupons, she told me that she thought because she always used the ones that printed, she repeatedly received them. So, I decided to give it a try. So I purchased all of the items above in one transaction. My total before coupons was $41.02. After my coupons which are listed below, I paid out of pocket $14.35 and received ECBs of $15- a profit of $.65! My purchases included the following:
(4) Nivea body wash $4.88 x 4 - less (3) $4 coupons and (1) BOGO coupon from All You magazine
(1) Venus Breeze razor $9.99 - less $2 coupon
(2) Reach toothbrush value packs $3.99 x 2 - less $1 coupon and BOGO coupon
(2) Dawn detergent $.97 x 2 - less (2) $.25 coupons
(1) Mountain Dew 20oz (not shown-did not make it home)
Less $.50 coupon from card scan and $5/$40 order coupon from card scan.
Total=$14.35 received $5 ECB, $6 ECB, and $4 ECB
To be honest, I was not expecting that outcome because I very seldom purchase everything in one transaction. Luckily for me, this time it worked!
Thanks Jennifer.
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